Lower Back Pain Relief with Natural Home Remedy

By | December 28, 2019

When lower back pain persists and continues to interfere with your quality of life, multiple treatment options may be needed for adequate relief. Below are some back pain treatments that are commonly overlooked or underused.Try one or more of these remedies to see which one, or combination, works best for you.Endorphins are hormones made naturally in your body.

What many people don’t know is that endorphins may help block pain signals from registering in your brain. Endorphins also help alleviate anxiety, stress, and depression, which are all associated with chronic back pain and often make the pain worse.

Certain activities may boost your endorphin levels, such as aerobic exercise, massage therapy, or meditation.Pain is a leading cause of insomnia difficulty with falling asleep and/or staying asleep.

Inadequate sleep can also make your back pain worse. This vicious cycle makes it more difficult for you to get restorative sleep.Getting enough restorative sleep is needed for the body’s tissues to heal and recharge energy levels.

If you have trouble sleeping, it is important to address pain or other factors that are causing it. Your doctor might recommend lifestyle changes, medications, or other treatments depending on what is disrupting your sleep.

Lower Back Pain Relief with Natural Home Remedy