How To Get Rid Of Calcium Deficiency

By | August 10, 2019

Calcium is important for healthy teeth and bones. It also plays a crucial role in the health and functioning of nerves and muscle tissue.Most Australians don’t get enough of this vital nutrient in their diet. Here are some tips on how to eat more calcium.

  1. Include dairy products in your diet every day. Choose from milk, yoghurt, cheese or milk-based custard.

  2. Learn to love leafy green vegetables. Include a serve of broccoli, cabbage, bok choy or spinach on your lunch and dinner plate every day.

  3. Eat more fish. If you can’t get fresh fish, eat tinned fish such as sardines or salmon with the bones left in.

  4. Replace the meat in some meals with tofu or tempeh. Your family will enjoy the change and cutting back on saturated fat is good for your health.

  5. Snack on calcium-rich nuts like Brazil nuts or almonds. Keep a container of nuts and seeds with you and have a small handful as a daily snack.
How To Get Rid Of Calcium Deficiency In Urdu